Thursday, April 21, 2011

fruit of the week

Your Baby in Week 21 of Pregnancy

How big is your baby? About the size of a large banana — and speaking of bananas, if you eat one this week, there's a good chance your baby will get a taste, too. That's because she swallows a bit of amniotic fluid each day (for nutrition, hydration, and to practice digesting), so she eats whatever's on your menu — and gets to put those developing taste buds to good use. So go ahead and nosh on those nachos (or crunch those crudités): Your baby may develop a taste for them when she’s older.

my plan is to eat lots of french fries so she can taste how wonderful they are! ok, ok, i will try to eat healthy so baby girl can get lots of nutrients and good stuffs. easter weekend will be filled with lots of great food for her to try.

it's getting a little harder to bend over, harder to sleep on my side, but i am feeling pretty good! i am also continuing to notice my stomach growing each week. basically i am running out of clothes to wear and realizing i need to go shopping.


  1. Seriously, momma mumus will be coming your way soon.

  2. Yes, remember that you're eating for two now. So in other words, business as usual? We kid because we love!!!!

  3. I hope you eat some marshmallow peeps today! Yellow, of course. Happy Easter!!
