Tuesday, February 24, 2015

i said ice cream

harper asked if she could have a cookie. she said please and was very polite. i told her that she needed to finish up some of her dinner before dessert. she said ok and proceeded to eat more peas and blueberries. about 10 mins after she gobbled down the thin mint, she looked over at me and said, "oh i said ice cream, not cookie." i couldn't believe what was happening. my daughter was trying to trick me over dessert! more like a con if you ask me. she repeated it again and said that she said ice cream. i told her that she definitely did not ask for ice cream and asked for a cookie and ATE it! pretty much told her that what she was trying to do was not cool. she gave me a certain look and smile. she knew exactly what she asked for. she didn't cry or even argue and went about playing.

that girl! she is one sneaky 3 and 1/2 year old.

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